Study on the F ′ color center adsorption spectrum of anatase with high concentration of oxygen vacancy using the first principle 锐钛矿高氧空位浓度F′色心吸收光谱的第一性原理研究
Color Center Chemical Reaction in the Preparation of NaCl Laser Crystal NaCl激光晶体制备中的色心化学反应
The mechanism of the color center generation was demonstrated. 冬季女装色彩预测同时提出了解释超短脉冲飞秒激光引起玻璃产生色心的机理。
Electronic structure of F type color center in MgO and optical absorption transition MgO晶体中F型色心的电子结构和光学吸收谱研究
Research on the Electron Structure of Electron Type Color Center in MgO Crystal MgO晶体中电子型色心的电子结构研究
The parameters determination of X shape color center laser resonator and X形色心激光谐振腔参数的确定及类F2~+型色心激光运转
In this paper, the foundation of α-Al_2O_3 material and concept of color center are introduced first, and the basic theory of ion implantation is also discussed. 本论文首先介绍了α-Al2O3晶体和色心基础,然后讨论了离子注入的基本理论,最后研究了Cu~+离子注入α-Al2O3的实验现象。
A zero phonon line at 632.1 nm wavelength belonged to R 2 color center are observed in the absorption spectra of the NaCl crystals measured at 10 K temperature. The spectral properties and thermal stabilities of the zero phonon line are investigated at different temperatures. 在10K温度下的吸收光谱中观测到位于632.1nm波长处的R2色心的零声子线,并在不同温度下对零声子线的光谱特性和热稳定性进行了研究。
A new color center in hydroxyapatite ceramics 羟基磷灰石陶瓷中的一种新型色心
This paper reports the preparation of NaCl ( OH~-): ( F_2~+) H, a fairly stable and concentrated color center laser crystal material. 本文报道了浓度大,稳定性好的色心激光晶体材料NaCl(OH~-):(F2~+)u的制备过程。
In this paper we depict the principle of color center lasers. Finally, the advance in the color center lasers is recapitulated. 本文详细地叙述了色心激光器的机理及其结构,最后,对这种激光器的发展作了简要的说明。
A Study on the Nd_2 YAP Crystal Color Center by the Positron Annihilation Technique 正电子湮没技术研究Nd:YAP单晶色心
F_2~+-like type color center laser should be the primary object of color center laser study hereafter. 类F2~+型色心激光是当前及今后色心激光发展的主要研究对象。
Color center and coloring mechanism of irradiated beryl 辐照绿柱石的色心与赋色机制
Anti-Interference Technique in Color Center Crystal Weak Signal Test 色心晶体微弱信号测试抗干扰技术的研究
The Growth of LiF and NaF Color Center Laser Crystals and Output of Laser LiF和NaF色心晶体的生长及激光输出的研究
Electronic Structure and Transformation of F type Color Center in Sr ∶ BaF 2 Crystal Sr∶BaF2中的F型色心的电子结构及转型机理研究
Some problems such as several absorption bands of ( F2+) H color center, the relation between color center laser output and laser medium, as well as auxiliary light have been discussed in this paper. 探讨了(F2~+)H心的几个吸收带,激光输出与工作介质和辅助光的关系等问题。
The main experimental results of a cryogenic IR CW NaCl ( OH~-):( F_2~+)_H color center laser have been reported in this paper. 文中报道了低温红外连续NaCl(OH~-):(F2~+)H色心激光的研究结果。
The defects include cracks, color center, inclusions, step-faceting, low-angle boundaries and dislocation pile-up group. 这些缺陷包括:包裹物,色心,开裂,台阶面,位错,小角晶界和位错塞积群。
A stable potassium magnesium fluoride color center laser operated at room temperature using transversely pumped cavity is constructed. 利用横向泵浦腔体实现氟化钾镁晶体色心室温稳定激光器运行。
New Progress on High Quality LiF: F_2~-Color Center Laser Crystals 优质LiF:F2~-色心激光材料研制的新进展
Study on Single Crystal Growth of NaCl ( OH  ̄-) Color Center Laser Crystal NaCl(OH~-)色心激光晶体的单晶生长研究
Defect Chemical Reaction in NaCl Color Center Crystal NaCl色心晶体中的缺陷化学反应
Study on mode locking characteristics of Nd: YAG lasers with LiF: F_2~-color center crystals LiF:F2~-色心晶体在Nd~(3+):YAG激光器中的锁模特性研究
A new crytal materiel of complex alkali-halide base material color center is reported in this paper. 首次报导了复合碱卤化合物基质色心晶体材料的研究结果。
The radiation influence to the refractive index of FBG is theoretically analyzed. And we get the model about the generation and vanishing of color center. 从理论上分析了电离辐射对光栅的影响,推导出了色心产生及退化的公式。
The formation mechanism of the current zones in the current-time curves and the close relationship between the color center production and the formation of the current zones are presented. 给出电流时间曲线上电流区域形成机理和色心产生与电流区域形成的密切关系。